Wednesday 20 April 2022

What causes Indigestion and Bloating?

After a heavy meal, an acidic feeling or bloating can take away the satisfactory taste of the good food you have eaten. Indigestion and gas is the most common gastrointestinal problem. In many cases, indigestion is caused due to bad food choices and unhealthy lifestyles. It can be cured at home by following below easy steps:

1. Add fibrous food in your meal: Fiber is said to be important for healthy digestion. It is easy to digest and also helps to push out the waste particles of the body helping the body to detoxify. It also prevents from diabetes, heart diseases, and piles. We can get fiber in the form of whole grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lots of water. It is ideal for women to consume at least 25gms of fiber a day and for men, it should be 38gms a day.

2. Way of eating food: Your eating habits also matter a lot in the process of digestion. Instead of eating the food on the go, it should be eaten peacefully and mindfully. Eating in smaller proportion can also help the digestion. Your dinner should be done an hour ago before going to bed. Lying down immediately after a meal is one of the leading causes of indigestion.

3. Consuming probiotics: Gut bacterias are essential for healthy digestion. They help maintain the inner system by fighting harmful viruses, yeast, and other micro-organisms. The imbalance of gut bacteria is affected by alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, and the overuse of medicines. Consuming natural probiotics enzymes like yogurt or probiotic supplements can improve your digestion better.

4. Workout/Exercise Regularly: Working out every day is not only necessary for a fit body but it is also necessary for healthy digestion. It also helps in fighting stress, which is the main cause of indigestion. A walk after having your meals is also beneficial for the food and gases to pass along your digestive tract, preventing bloating and heartburn. Performing physical activity also helps to improve bowel movement and build-up gases. You could also try doing yoga, swimming, and cycling as a part of the exercise. 

Just to be cautious, ensure that you have had at least an hour gap between your last meal and the time of the workout. Even after performing the above activities, if you still suffer from the problem then visit Gastroplus Hospital, One of the Best Gastro Hospital in Ahmedabad.

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